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Growing in Wisdom

Monday, June 5th, 2023

Recently in a lesson with a girls group I am involved in, we discussed wisdom.  One of the questions that was posed was, ‘What is the difference between being smart and being wise?’  We explored this and agreed that being smart is learning information or having knowledge, but that being wise is taking the knowledge you have combined with your experiences to make good choices.

Military Appreciation and Mental Health

Monday, May 29th, 2023

In 1999, the US Congress designated May as National Military Appreciation Month, to ensure that our nation publicly had the opportunity to honor our military, their families, their sacrifices and their service.  As we pause this Memorial Day, it is important to both honor bravery and also recognize the silent costs of service for military personal, veterans and their families.  Military service is demanding, requiring persons to face physical, emotional and psychological challenges.

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