Our Blog

Mindfulness and Connection

Monday, March 25th, 2024

In community weather is often a common topic,  one which can be overheard in circles after church services, at the safe barn, in passing at the grocery store or at school events.  As I write this article there is some question about a future spring storm in the ever-changing forecast.  The weather can impact us all very differently, depending on a variety of things like occupation, age, health issues, etc.  For example, if you are an elementary student, you may super excited about an impending snow day.  But if you are calving, work for the city or county maintaining the roads, employed as a first responder, or if you are a parent working from home, you may feel very differently.

Try Something New

Monday, March 18th, 2024

Trying new things is part of growing up and evolving. Consider the value of pushing yourself out of your comfort zone to try something entirely new or stretch yourself with a familiar activity.  Being open to something new can create opportunities for kindness and connection with others. Reflect on “firsts” in your life and any emotions connected to them.

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