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UPDATED COVID-19 Procedures for Clients

Wednesday, February 16th, 2022

Updated COVID-19 Procedures for Clients. Please Read.
February 16, 2022

At Sioux Falls Psychological Services and River Counseling Services, we have continued to thoughtfully observe and assess the COVID-19 situation in our region, and our decisions about appropriate steps to best manage COVID-19 in our context have been largely driven by the desire to consistently maximize care while minimizing risk to our clients and colleagues.  We remain committed to that approach.  Vaccines are now readily available.  Good treatments for COVID-19 now exist and will most likely continue to improve with all of the research happening.  And thankfully the numbers of active infections and of hospitalized persons are trending down.  Our current approach is noted below.  We will continue to adjust our approach based on any new information that might emerge.

1. To maximize protection and prevent the possible spread of COVID-19 to others, individuals who are vaccinated against COVID-19 are encouraged to exercise discretion about whether or not to wear a mask indoors.

2. For their own safety and the safety of others, individuals who choose not to be vaccinated against COVID-19 are expected to wear a mask indoors anytime others are in close proximity to them.

3. Our therapists may exercise personal discretion in requiring clients or colleagues to wear a mask when in their presence for more than a brief period of time.

We are deeply grateful to our clients for working with us in managing COVID-19 risks to the best of our ability.  We are confident that we can be respectful and accepting of one another in the midst of this ongoing situation that may at times generate different views, opinions, and behaviors.

--Sioux Falls Psychological Services and River Counseling Team